Culture Faith Life

When Being Female Is Hazardous To Your Health

So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. ~Genesis 1:27

female tears

Their faces haunt me. For their gender alone they’ve endured pain no one should bear, and every day there’s another story, another news update or atrocity uncovered.

When has it ever been so hazardous to be female?

Cleveland and Oxford, New Delhi and Saratoga make headlines, but all over the world infants are aborted for lack of a Y chromosome, elderly women and tiny girls raped for no reason.

Just one story should be enough. Just one child trafficked or passed around at parties should make us shake with rage, and disturb our sleep until every female is safe.

I’m tired of excuses, the ones kept handy to explain it away–she asked for it, she dressed that way, she drank too much, she ran away and into danger, and well, boys will be boys, and always have been. 

I’m angry at Victoria’s Secret, Maxim, and Abercrombie, at The Bachelor and 50 Shades of Grey. I’m tired of the fiction, Christian or otherwise, that a woman is defined by the man at her side. I’m tired of seeing shame in female glances due to dress size or dress downs or someone’s cold sneer.

I’m angry when women play the games we despise, when with gossip and mean-girl strategies we diminish each other. When we stay silent and dumb ourselves down, I’m sad for us all, for

  • doors firmly shut,
  • ministry divided,
  • mutual encouragement that never happens due to jealousy or fear.

God Sees His Reflection In Both Male And Female,

and too often we forget it. What kind of world do I long for? A world where every female knows herself first as a beloved child, as a human being made in the image of God. A world where we all remember: to hurt her, shame her, exploit her, or ignore her is to despise her Creator, to deny His worth.

And the worth of every human male as well.

Do you ever get angry for these vulnerable ones?

[Thank you Dave, Jeff, and Scott for valuing me as the human being I am.]

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13 replies on “When Being Female Is Hazardous To Your Health”

This posting should be published in its entitety on the front page of every newspaper in the world (as well as on every web site, magazine, tv station, billboard, and graffiti wall). It should be taught in every classroom and discussed in every church. Let it be our prayer.

I agree with Bob.

My heart screams at the horrific abuses that come to light. It breaks when I see tiny seven-year-olds dressed as mini-Hollywood starlets. I’m enraged as I see girls and women buying into the lies and distortions promoted in every sort of media and playing at roles that diminish them as female.

It begs the question: what are we in the church doing to look any different from the world? How much of the lie have we bought? Look around. How are women viewed within the body of Christ? That will largely define how our little girls view themselves–and how our little boys will value, or not value, females as well.

As Janet pointed out, male or female, to devalue another human being requires we first devalue ourselves.

I found myself writing a short book in response to this post–far too many words to leave here in this format–which only proves how deeply it moved me.

Thank you, Janet, for speaking truth that should be heard far and wide.

Hallelujah! I just posted my disgust at Facebook’s insistence on buxom, scantily clad females as their deceptive advertising magnet of choice, drawing us to purchase inane garbage. What you state here cannot be said enough to enough people in enough ways for enough reasons the point of which is to lead us to proclaim: ENOUGH!

Hi Janet- I saw your posting on Ruth Z’s FB page- Love your weaving of words for issues that move the heart of God- I write too- but on the topic of adoption-adoptees/birthmothers. Blessings to you as you write for the Lord! And I share this important blog post on my FB- thanks for expressing this travesty and unthinkable abuse and the things in our culture that promote it!

YES Janet!!!! You preach this so perfectly! May we all be responsible for protecting one another, especially the meek and weak.
Want to shout this loud and clear!!
Thank you!

Janet – I can’t really add anything to what you have said, except – AMEN! These very issues make my blood boil and my heart ache. And I know they break the heart of God as He sees his precious daughters being used and abused. May we continue to find ways of being counter-cultural about this. And may we continue to pray and work towards the kind of world you envision. Thank you for this important post.

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